The topic of consumer loyalty has been explored by several authors in
the marketing literature. Customer loyalty represents an emotional,
positive, long-term relationship between a satisfied customer and the
company. The importance of this topic stems from the fact that retaining
existing (loyal) consumers is more cost-effective than acquiring new ones.
Loyal customers ensure the survival, functioning, and profitability of the
company. However, retaining existing customers is a complex challenge
that requires a lot of effort on the part of the company. There are a lot
of measures to retain loyal customers, including the implementation
of loyalty rewards programs, personalized marketing, subscription
services, exclusive deals for repeated customers, referral programs,
bundle offers, engagement through social media, gamification, event
marketing, exceptional service support , etc.
This paper aims, with the help of secondary data, to sublimate the theoretical
viewpoints on customer loyalty, on its building, measurement,
maintenance, as well as to note some of its future trends.
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