
The Historical Development and Role of Turkology Centers in the Central Balkans and Their Impact on Teaching Turkish as a Foreign Language


Turkish has always been a matter of curiosity and need outside the
borders of the Republic of Turkey. Turkology, which investigates Turk-
ishness, the Turkish language and dialects, as well as Turkish culture,
civilization, and history, started to develop as a discipline in 19th-century
Europe before quickly gaining prevalence. The study of Turkish as a
scientific language in the Balkan geography started after the Ottoman
Empire had withdrawn from these lands. The first Turkology center in
the Balkan geography was established at the University of Belgrade,
and the primary purpose behind its establishment was the Serbs’ need
to know Turkish to be able to understand their own language and cul-
ture. After Belgrade, Turkology centers were opened in other Balkan
cities such as Sarajevo and Skopje, and various studies were also being
carried out. This study aims to reveal the establishment and historical
development of Turkology as a branch of science in the central Balkan
countries. Alongside the Turkology centers, the study also discusses the
history of teaching Turkish as a foreign language (TTFL) in this region
by using qualitative research methods. Based on the obtained data, two
main reasons are seen to have emerged for Turkology studies to begin
in central Balkan countries. The first has been concluded as the need
for the Turkish language to carry out more detailed studies on their
language and culture. The second is the presence of the indigenous
Turkish people living in North Macedonia and Kosovo.


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Central Balkans Turkology centers teaching Turkish